“Alcohol may not solve your problems, but neither will water or milk.”
David & Léa started this project in June 2021 in the Autrans-Méaudre premises in Vercors. Spirits are made in the privacy of the workshop using the combined techniques of fermentation, maceration, distillation and aging. Exclusively natural raw materials are used from carefully selected wild or organic plants native to France. Nothing added. Colors obtained only from plants themselves.
✱ ENTROPIE n. f.
19th century. Borrowed from the German Entropie, learned derivative of the Greek entropê, "action to turn around", hence "action to transform, change".
phys. Grandeur, which is a state function, characterizing the tendency of a system to evolve spontaneously towards a state of equilibrium, different from the initial state in which it was. Entropy is expressed in joules by kelvin.
Another definition: entropy can be the physical thermodynamic amplitude that makes it possible to measure the unusable part of the energy contained in a system. This means that this part of the energy cannot be used to produce work... (unlike elbow oil)
David & Léa started this project in June 2021 in the Autrans-Méaudre premises in Vercors. Spirits are made in the privacy of the workshop using the combined techniques of fermentation, maceration, distillation and aging. Exclusively natural raw materials are used from carefully selected wild or organic plants native to France. Nothing added. Colors obtained only from plants themselves.
✱ ENTROPIE n. f.
19th century. Borrowed from the German Entropie, learned derivative of the Greek entropê, "action to turn around", hence "action to transform, change".
phys. Grandeur, which is a state function, characterizing the tendency of a system to evolve spontaneously towards a state of equilibrium, different from the initial state in which it was. Entropy is expressed in joules by kelvin.
Another definition: entropy can be the physical thermodynamic amplitude that makes it possible to measure the unusable part of the energy contained in a system. This means that this part of the energy cannot be used to produce work... (unlike elbow oil)